Saturday, 28 February 2009

SharePoint Designer 2007

Word on the (SharePoint Street) is that SharePoint Designer 2007 will be free from 1 April 2009. I'll post more details when I get more info. I hope that Microsoft fix some of the bugs in the product first.

I would rather use a beta of Windows 7 every day than SharePoint Designer for 10 mins.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

SharePoint and FAST

In the next 12 months you could see the search market significantly change. You may say it is already changing and you’ll be right. I see Yahoo usage reducing further. They may even stop developing search. Microsoft will get more than a foot in the door with regards of Enterprise Search. With their acquisition of FAST I thought it would take 2 years before we saw anything useful from them. However they have just announced ( that SharePoint vNext will have “high-end search capabilities of FAST ESP”. WOW

What I want now is Microsoft to acknowledge those of us who have a real interest in metadata, search, taxonomies, etc and release an exam. They hinted here there would be one but so far no sign of it.

Oh and I shouldn’t talk about search without mentioning Google. Yes they are the leaders of search but they don’t have the whole package.